1.Exam Number/Code: 352-001

Exam Name: 350-001 Value Pack

Our technical expert highly recommend that you buy this “352-001 written exam+ 352-001 -Lab exam” value pack. To be certified as a CCIE, you must pass two sequence of exams: written exam and Lab exam respectively.

In order that candidates will better grasp the CCIE knowledge, our technical experts outline the examination topics and compile a set of CCIE Preparation kits, which not only covers all the main and important CCIE knowledge, but also builds the Q&As and Labs for corresponding exam separately. With mastering both of them, you will surely have a thorough understanding of CCIE knowledge. Value pack is surely the best choice for you to pass  352-001 with high scores.

But here we must notice one thing: Regarding this Value Pack, the guarantee policy will only be available for 350-001 written exam but not cover 350-001-Lab exam. If you buy the Value Pack but failed 350-001 written exam, we will carry out the guarantee policy strictly, however, we do not supply pass guarantee for 350-001-Lab exam because of its particularity(Please refer to the description of 350-001-Lab).

2.Exam Number/Code: 70-290

Exam Name: 70-290 Value Pack

Our technical expert highly recommend that you buy this “70-290 Q&A+Preparation Labs+70-290 Study Guide” value pack. In order that candidates will better grasp the MCSE 2003 Security knowledge, our technical experts outline the examination topics and compile a set of MCSE 2003 Security Preparation Labs, which not only covers all the main and important MCSE 2003 Security knowledge, but also adds some sample questions and analysis of related certification. After you master all the labs, and learn of 70-290 Q&A, you will surely have a thorough understanding of 70-290 knowledge. Value pack is surely the best choice for you to pass 70-290 with high scores.

3.Exam Number/Code: 70-536

Exam Name: 70-536 Value Pack

Our technical expert highly recommend that you buy this “70-536 Q&A+Preparation Labs” value pack. In order that candidates will better grasp the MCPD knowledge, our technical experts outline the examination topics and compile a set of MCPD Preparation Labs, which not only covers all the main and important MCPD knowledge, but also adds some sample questions and analysis of related certification. After you master all the labs, and learn of 70-536 Q&A, you will surely have a thorough understanding of 70-536 knowledge. Value pack is surely the best choice for you to pass 70-536 with high scores.