LPI隸屬于國際Linux的認證機構,其目的是提供一個標準化、國際化的獨立專業Linux企業認證。為專業Linux認證人員提供一個管道,幷讓企業聘雇 Linux 專業認證人才提供一項標準。LPI計劃是建立出一個專業的、通用的 Linux 認證測驗專案。目前支援 LPI認證計劃成員有Caldera Systems、SuSe、TurboLinux、IBM、SGI、Linuxcare等大型公司。
LPI全稱Linux Professional Institute,就目前Linux團體所關注的程度來看,LPI認證計劃受到了最為廣泛的支持。LPI認證已經推出了Linux Profession Institute Certified Level 1(簡稱LPIC-1)認證計劃,獲取了LPIC-1計劃,考生會獲取LPIC-2、LPIC-3認證計劃。為了獲取LPIC-1證書,考生必須參加117-101(LPI General Linux,Part1)和117-102 (LPI General Linux,Part 2),要求考生在90分鐘內完成這兩科考試。LPIC-1證照適合至少一年Linux工作經驗的系統管理員考取。
101-350 LPI Level 1 Exam 101,Junior Level Linux Certification,Part 1 of 2
102-350 LPI Level 1 Exam 102,Junior Level Linux Certification,Part 2 of 2
LPI Certification Testing
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) offers professional certifications to help you validate your knowledge and skills in various aspects of the Linux operating system. The LPI program is distribution-neutral to allow you to demonstrate your flexibility working in a variety of Linux environments. Recognized around the world, LPI’s Linux certifications can help prove you have the skills necessary for your next job or promotion.
Before scheduling an appointment with Pearson VUE, you must first register with LPI and obtain an LPI ID. You will need this number to create an account.
NEW FOR 2015
As we republish our exams, we will allow a 6 month period in which you can choose either the new or the old objectives.
LPI recognizes that preparing for our exams takes time. In order to allow candidates and training organizations to have time to adjust to the new exam objectives, we will be allowing extra time to write the old version of our exams. To make it easier to find the version you need, we are phasing in new exam series codes which will reflect the exam objectives for each exam.
The exams that are being renamed:
117-010 becomes 010-100
117-101 becomes 101-350 (old) and 101-400 (new)
117-102 becomes 102-350 (old) and 102-400 (new)
117-304 becomes 304-150 (old) and 304-200 (new)
Note: If you need to change your scheduled exam time
If you have already registered to take one of these exams and wish to change the date of the exam, you must first cancel the existing registration and re-register using the updated series codes.
Article from: http://www.killtest.com.tw/index.php/lpi/101-350and102-350/