The exam information about CCNP

The Composite exam (642-892) is the quickest way for currently certified Cisco Certified Network Professionals (CCNP®) and Cisco Certified Design Professionals (CCDP®) to obtain recertification. The exam tests skills and knowledge pertaining to the Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) and Building Cisco Managed Switched Networks (BCMSN) courses. Composite may be taken to recertify CCNP and CCDP certifications; it may also be taken in place of the BSCI and BCMSN exams required for CCNP and CCDP certifications. Candidates must successfully pass both routing and switching subsections of the Composite exam to successfully pass the exam.

Exam Topics
The following information provides general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

Implement EIGRP operations
Explain the functions and operations of EIGRP (e.g., DUAL)
Configure EIGRP routing. (e.g., Stub Routing, authentication, etc.)
Verify or troubleshoot EIGRP routing configurations
Implement multi-area OSPF operations
Explain the functions and operations of multiarea OSPF
Configure multiarea OSPF routing. (e.g., Stub, NSSA, authentication, etc.)
Verify or troubleshoot multiarea OSPF routing configurations
Describe integrated IS-IS
Describe the features and benefits of integrated IS-IS
Configure and verify integrated IS-IS
Implement Cisco IOS routing features
Describe, configure or verify route redistribution between IP routing IGPs. (e.g., route-maps, default routes, etc.)
Describe, configure or verify route filtering (i.e., distribute-lists and passive interfaces)
Describe and configure DHCP services (e.g., Server, Client, IP helper address, etc.)
Implement BGP for enterprise ISP connectivity
Describe the functions and operations of BGP
Configure or verify BGP operation in a non-transit AS (e.g., authentication)
Configure BGP path selection. (i.e., Local Preference, AS Path, Weight or MED attributes)
Implement multicast forwarding
Describe IP Multicast (e.g., Layer-3 to Layer-2 mapping, IGMP, etc.)
Describe, configure, or verify IP multicast routing (i.e., PIM Sparse-Dense Mode)
Implement IPv6
Describe IPv6 addressing operations
Describe IPv6 interoperation with IPv4
Describe, configure or verify OSPF routing with IPv6 addressing
Implement VLANs
Explain the functions of VLANs in a hierarchical network
Configure VLANs (e.g., Native, Default, Static and Access)
Explain and configure VLAN trunking (i.e., IEEE 802.1Q and ISL)
Explain and configure VTP
Verify or troubleshoot VLAN configurations
Conduct the operation of Spanning Tree protocols in a hierarchical network
Explain the functions and operations of the Spanning Tree protocols (i.e., RSTP, PVRST, MISTP)
Configure RSTP (PVRST) and MISTP
” Describe and configure STP security mechanisms (i.e., BPDU Guard, BPDU Filtering, Root Guard)
Configure and Verify UDLD and Loop Guard
Verify or troubleshoot Spanning Tree protocol operations
Configure and verify link aggregation using PAgP or LACP
Implement Inter-VLAN routing
Explain and configure Inter-VLAN routing (i.e., SVI and routed ports)
Explain and enable CEF operation
Verify or troubleshoot InterVLAN routing configurations






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* 應用層 所有的處理都將按系統實現的邏輯在該層進行。商業規則的加強、數據壹致性的檢查系統所需的復雜處理都在該層進行。此層是三層模型中處理事務最多的壹層。
* 數據層 通常稱為back end,是為滿足其他兩層的需求而存儲信息。在很多情況下,在用戶同系統交互時,關系數據庫將優化從應用層接收到的以及返回給應用層的信息。
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