


那麽哪些參數不需用重新啟動就可以被修改呢?其實,數據庫管理員只需要查詢動態視圖,即可以知道哪些參數不用關閉或者重新啟動就可以更改。如在動態視同v$parameter中,存儲著初始化參數的值。壹般來說,可以在查詢語句中加入條件issys_modifiable<>’FALSE’ or isses_modifiable<>’FALSE’(註意他們之間是or的關系,而不是and關系),最後查詢出來的參數就是不用關閉或者重新啟動數據庫就可以設置的初始化參數。同時這些參數也是可以利用ALTER SYSTEM與ALTER SESSION命令可以更改的部分初始化參數。也就是說,不用關閉或者重新啟動數據庫就可以修改的參數都可以使用上面兩個命令來進行重新設置。但是並不是說,利用這兩個命令都可以在不用重新啟動或者關閉數據庫的情況更改初始化參數。簡單的說,就是可以利用這兩個命令來更改的參數,有些需要重新啟動或者關閉數據庫,而有些則不用。

EMC Certification Detail


EMC(電磁兼容性)的全稱是Electro Magnetic Compatibility, 其定義為“設備和系統在其電磁環境中能正常工作且不對環境中任何事物構成不能承受的電磁騷擾的能力” 該定義包含兩個方面的意思,首先,該設備應能在壹定的電磁環境下正常工作, 即該設備應具備壹定的電磁抗擾度(EMS); 其次,該設備自身產生的電磁騷擾不能對其他電子產品產生過大的影響,即電磁騷擾(EMI)。

歐共體政府規定,從1996年1月1起,所有電氣電子產品必須通過EMC認證,加貼CE標誌後才能在歐共體市場上銷售。此舉在世界上引起廣泛影響,各國政府紛紛采取措施,對電氣電子產品的RMC性能實行強制性管理。國際上比較有影響的,例如歐盟89/336/EEC指令(即EMC指令)、美國聯邦法典 CFR 47/FCC Rules等都對電磁兼容認證提出了明確的要求。

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Advances in communications and networking capabilities today offer organizations almost unlimited opportunities to create business advantage by conducting business anywhere, anytime, using multiple types of devices and communications. Organizations have the potential to create and support innovative new business models—from advanced collaboration environments to customer self-service to mobile workforce support. Yet knowing how and where to start can be challenging. Chances are your company is asking lots of questions, such as:
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Integrated communications services focus on designing, implementing and managing your communications and networking environments to optimize them for anytime, anywhere integrated business communications. These services are designed to enable you to support key networking environments and build differentiating advantage through business innovation.

Integrated communications services can help you:
Create new process models to drive business innovation for competitive advantage
Conduct business anytime, anywhere using multiple types of devices and forms of communication
Enhance individual, work group and organizational productivity with collaboration environments
Enable new capabilities by integrating voice, video and data communications
Optimize your communications and networking environments for cost-effective performance.
Integrated communications services combine IBM’s IT and business solutions expertise, proven methodologies, highly skilled global resources, industry-leading management platforms and processes, and strategic partnerships with other industry leaders to help you create an integrated communications environment that drives business flexibility and growth.