SUN 310-811 Exam資訊

SUN認證主要對象是程式人員。SUN自從被oracle公司收購以來,成為認證考試的熱點,SCJP, SCJD與Oracle的OCP, OCA證照并架齊居。310-811這一門考試是SUN認證剛推出的一項證照考試。SUN Other Certifications 310-811考試考古題由“KillTest認證題庫網”資深IT認證講師和SUN Other Certifications產品專家結合Prometric或VUE的真實考試環境最新原題精心打造。Sun 310-810 考題 DEMO 如下:

1.Is the following statement true or false? The username you use to connect to MySQL must be the same
as the login used to access the operating system.
2.Which of the following statements are required to create a key cache of 4 MB, assign the MyISAM table
world.City to it and preload the index?
A. mysql> SET GLOBAL city_cache.key_buffer_size = 4194304;mysql> CACHE INDEX world.City IN
city_cache;mysql> LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE world.City;
B. mysql> ALTER TABLE KEY_CACHE = 4194304;
C. mysql> CREATE CACHE FOR world.City SIZE = 4194304;
D. It is not possible to create a key cache for a specific MyISAM table, only the global key cache can be
3.How can the SHOW PROCESSLIST command be helpful when optimizing queries?
A.It shows if a query is using an index or not.
B.It shows how the server processes a query.
C.If checked periodically, it can reveal queries that cause other queries to hang.
D.It shows the percentage of processing power that each query is using on a server.
4. Consider the following:
mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT Name FROM Country WHERE Code = ‘CAN’\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
select_type: SIMPLE
table: Country
type: const
possible_keys: PRIMARY
key_len: 3
ref: const
Which of the following best describes the meaning of the value of the type column?
A.The table has exactly one row.
B.Several rows may be read from the table.
C.Only one row of all its rows need to be read.

SUN SAS10 310-202最新考古題免費下載

自從SUN被Oracle公司收并后,SUN認證的價值就變得非同尋常。SUN證照主要面對程式方向。SUN作為國際十大認證之一,近年來,被越來越來的考生及公司所重視。SUN常用的三大證照包括:SCJP, SCWCD, SCJD。SCJP是最初的SUN證照。SCJP官方考試科目:310-065/310-055,考試時間:90分鐘,考題50-60題,考試類型:選擇題,拖曳題。總分:100分,及格分數:65分。310-202也是SUN證照的一個科目。SUN 301-202全稱:Sun Certified SystemAdministrator for Solaris 10 OS.Part 2。310-202如今已經變題了,這是不容否認的事實。

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