
Photoshop 9A0-044考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和Photoshop產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實9A0-044考試環境最新原題傾心打造。題庫覆蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾題庫對Photoshop 9A0-044(Adobe Photoshop CS 2 ACE Exam)考試原題完整覆蓋。9A0-044題庫助您輕鬆通過認證考試,一次不過全額退款。

Photoshop 9A0-044(Adobe Photoshop CS 2 ACE Exam)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和Photoshop產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實9A0-044考題,全部附有正確答案。所有購買KillTest 9A0-044 題庫的客戶都將得到60天的免費升級服務,保證了客戶的一次通過率。KillTest IT認證題庫網助您一次通過Photoshop 9A0-044考試。

1. You are creating an image for the Web. The image contains transparent areas that were created by adding drop shadows to a layer with a picture and to a text layer.What should you do in the Save for Web dialog box to fill fully transparent pixels with a selected color and blend partially transparent pixels with the same color?
A. select a matte color and a Dither amount
B. select Transparency and select a matte color
C. select a matte color and deselect Transparency
D. select Transparency and choose None from the Matte menu

2. You are using variables and data sets to create a series of web banners. One of the variables will use a pixel replacement. You want to scale the replacement image so that none of the bounding box is left empty. Which option should  you choose for Pixel Replacement?
A. Fit
B. Fill
C. As Is
D. Conform


Photoshop 9A0-055考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和Photoshop產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實9A0-055考試環境最新原題傾心打造。題庫覆蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾題庫對Photoshop 9A0-055(Adobe InDesign CS3 ACE Exam)考試原題完整覆蓋。9A0-055題庫助您輕鬆通過認證考試,一次不過全額退款。

Adobe InDesign CS3 ACE Exam(9A0-055 Exam)屬於Photoshop認證考試中的一門,如果需要取得Photoshop證書,您可能還需要參加其他相關考試,詳情可訪問Photoshop認證專題,在那裡,你將看到所有Photoshop認證相關考試科目。

1.Click the Exhibit button. Using the Pen tool, you draw the curve as shown in Figure 4.1A. You now want to edit this curve and create the one as shown in Figure 4.1B. What should you do?
A.Use the Selection tool to select the right direction point of the center anchor point. Then, drag the direction point downward to its new position.
B.Use the Direct Selection tool to select the right direction point of the center anchor point. Then, drag the direction point downward to its new position.
C.Use the Convert Direction Point tool to select the right direction point of the center anchor point. Then, drag the direction point downward to its new position.
D.Use the Pen tool to select the right direction point of the center anchor point. Then, drag the direction point downward to its new position.

2.Click the Exhibit button. You draw a red and a blue circle by using the Ellipse tool. You center the red circle inside the blue circle as shown in the exhibit What happens when you select both circles and then select Exclude Overlap from the Pathfinder panel?
A.The two circles merge and become one large, blue circle.
B.The operation cannot be completed because the result would be an empty region.
C.The blue circle disappears, leaving only the red circle.
D.The red circle disappears, leaving a hole in the center of the blue circle. The object that remains is red.

Photoshop 9A0-063題庫


當前運行的認證考試科目如下:Adobe Photoshop CS、Adobe Illustrator CS、Adobe InDesign CS、Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Pro、Adobe GoLive CS、Adobe After Effects 6.5、Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5、Macromedia Dreamweaver MX2004、 Macromedia Flash MX2004、Macromedia FireworksMX2004。平面設計師考試滿分為1000分,分為理論試題部分和實踐試題部分,其中理論試題部分滿分為400分,實踐試題部分滿分為600分。Photoshop認證考試時間為140分鐘,其中理論考試部分限時35分鐘,實踐部分限時105分鐘。

9A0-063題庫屬於Adobe photoshop認證系列,9A0-063是photoshop認證核心考試科目之壹,9A0-063考試全稱:Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 ACE Exam,9A0-063題庫共有111道真題,真題的更新是緊隨Adobe Photoshop考綱的更新而進行最新變化,最新更新時間:2008年9月1日。Photoshop 9A0-063考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和Photoshop產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實9A0-063考試環境最新原題傾心打造。