Windows Server2008證照攻略-MCSE

隨著微軟作業系統的普及,考取MCSE證照的人越來越多,由於稀有性降低,投資報酬率也日漸低落。不過對於想進入IT產業的新鮮人來說,擁有MCSE證照仍有加分作用。而對已進入社會工作的人士,由於微軟的Windows XP與Windows Server 2003分別是當前最普遍的用戶端與伺服器作業系統,因此藉由MCSE相關課程的訓練,即使不參與認證考試,也有助於熟練與掌握這些作業平臺的使用與設定技巧,改善工作效率。

展望未來,微軟即將在明年推出全新一代的作業平臺Windows Server 2008,連帶地也造成了認證上的變化。雖然MCSE不會升級到Windows Server 2008,相關認證都會轉移到新的MCTS與MCITP體系,但微軟也提供可從MCSE升級到MCTS以及MCITP的Windows Server 2008相關認證的捷徑。因此MCSE仍能看作未來Windows Server 2008證照的基礎,不會在作業平臺更動後就失效。

自1992年微軟推出MCSE認證以來,至今MCSE已有對應於Windows NT 4.0、Windows 2000與Windows Server 2003三種作業平臺的三個版本,全球累計考取人數分別為39.5萬、28.8萬與8.6萬餘人,呈現出很明顯的遞減趨勢,顯示早期考取者對升級的興趣有限。至於在每年通過人數方面,2003年以前平均每年為1萬多人, 2004年以後降到5,000人左右。

而在臺灣的報考者方面,自2005年以來平均每年考取人數約在450人上下,同樣較前幾年降低不少。這或許和Windows Server 2008即將推出,有興趣考取證照者持觀望態度所致。待明年Windows Server 2008正式上市後,應會出現一股考取相關MCTS、MCITP或從MCSE升級的風潮。至於舊版的MCSE 2000則會隨著微軟停止對Windows 2000的支援,將於2008年初廢止。

MCSE 70-290 Exam

Get certified. Move ahead.
The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) credential is the premier certification for professionals who analyze the business requirements and design and implement the infrastructure for business solutions based on the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 platform and Microsoft Windows Server System. Their implementation responsibilities include installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network systems.With official MCSE SELF-PACED TRAINING KITS, you can build the skills tested by the MCSE exams—and on the job. This all-in-one set provides in-depth preparation for the four required networking system exams.

Ace your preparation for the core MCSE networking system exams with in-depth training and practice—all in one box. Covering Exams 70-290, 70-291, 70-293, and 70-294, these four, all-new Microsoft study guides pack the resources you need to help maximize your success on the exams—and on the job.

Work at your own pace through the lessons, hands-on exercises, troubleshooting labs, and review questions. You get expert exam tips plus a full review section covering all objectives and subobjectives in each study guide. Then use the Readiness Review Suite on CD—featuring advanced technology from MeasureUp—to challenge yourself with more than 1500 questions for self-assessment and practice!

Maximize your performance on the MCSE exams with expert preparation for:
EXAM 70-290
Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment

•Create and manage user, group, and computer accounts
•Manage file and share permissions
•Help control Web server access and manage sites with Internet Information Services (IIS)
•Manage hardware devices, disk storage, software, and print services
•Implement backup procedures and perform system recovery

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)

The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) credential shows clients and employers that you can design, implement, and administer infrastructures for business solutions based on Microsoft 2000 Windows Server and other Windows server platforms. Implementation responsibilities include installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network systems.

This credential also covers Active Directory, which helps organizations simplify IT management, strengthen security, extend interoperability of systems and software, and ultimately reduce costs. The MCSE credential not only equips you to manage an organization’s Active Directory but to plan strategically for its future network enhancements.

The MSCE credential maps to a variety of job roles, including systems engineer, technical support engineer, system analyst, network analyst, and technical consultant.

View MCSE requirements
Learn about MCSE specializations
MCSE candidate profile
An MCSE candidate should have one to two years of experience in designing, installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network systems.

Why get certified?
Earning a Microsoft Certification validates your proven experience and knowledge in using Microsoft products and solutions. Designed to be relevant in today’s rapidly changing IT marketplace, Microsoft Certifications help you utilize evolving technologies, fine-tune your troubleshooting skills, and improve your job satisfaction.

Whether you are new to technology, changing jobs, or a seasoned IT professional, becoming certified demonstrates to customers, peers, and employers that you are committed to advancing your skills and taking on greater challenges. In addition, certification provides you with access to exclusive Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) resources and benefits, including opportunities to connect with a vast, global network of MCPs.