News about LPI

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), (, the world’s premier Linux certification organization announced that  thru ongoing training and certification program in Taiwan Chung Hwa Telecom, it shows remarkable milestone to have more systems migrate to Linux platform and make its IT infrastructure more cost efficient.

During the past few years, especially from the beginning of 2008, Chung Hwa Telecom Training Center made a plan to train their engineers to have Linux and open source techniques and skills to serve their goal of the growth of the company business and reduce the cost of internal IT infrastructure.  Up to now, there are around 200 engineers gains deferent level of LPI certifications, including level 1, level 2 and level 3, among them, 1/3 of people holds level 2 or above certifications. 

“With the training and certification program, we enhanced the skills and techniques of in service engineers, therefore, they make their daily works more efficient and contributed a lot of new ideas and  find new ways to improve the ROI of IT  of  Chung Hwa Telecom.”  Said Mr. Ted Chiou, extension training center of Chung Hwa Telecom.  “So we will continue this approach to work with LPI  Taiwan more closely in the future.”
“Besides working with Chung Hwa Telecom Training Center in extension training,” said Mr. Weili Hsueh, the superintendent in LPI Taiwan. “LPI is actively introducing the program into school vocational program and cooperative enterprise’s educational training for achieving the three-way cooperation, and meanwhile enhancing the students’ Linux system and network skills.”

About the Linux Professional Institute:
The Linux Professional Institute promotes and certifies essential skills on Linux and Open Source technologies through the global delivery of comprehensive, top-quality, vendor-independent exams. Established as an international non-profit organization in 1999 by the Linux community, the Linux Professional Institute continues to demonstrate recognized global leadership in the certification of Linux professionals. LPI advances the Linux and Open Source movement through strategic partners, sponsorships, innovative programs and community development activities. LPI’s major financial sponsors are Platinum Sponsors IBM, Linux Journal, Linux Magazine, Novell, SGI, and TurboLinux as well as Gold Sponsors, HP and IDG.

LPI 117-101考試大綱

1.101.1 基本BIOS配置
說明:考生應能夠通過正確設置BIOS來配置基本的系統硬件.這個目標包括能夠理解BIOS配置中的術語,比如在超過1024柱面的IDE硬盤上使用的”LBA模式”;會激活或者禁止集成的外設;會打開或者關閉象鍵盤這樣的外部設備;能正確的設置由BIOS管理的 IRQ,DMA和I/O地址以及錯誤句柄(error handling).




1.101.3 配置調制解調器和聲卡

1.101.4 設置SCSI設備
說明:考生應該會用SCSI BIOS和Linux工具配置SCSI設備,他們應該會區別各種各樣的SCSI設備。這個目標包括,通過SCSI BIOS探測已經使用的和還能夠使用的SCSI ID,並且為各種設備分配正確的ID號,特別是啟動設備;當同時使用SCSI和IDE驅動器的時候能用計算機的BIOS設置引導順序。





1.101.5 配置不同的PC擴展卡
說明:考生應該能夠為各種擴展槽配置相應的卡,他們應該知道ISA和PCI卡的不同。這個目標包括會正確的配置各種卡的IRQ,DMA,I/O端口,特別是要避免幾種設備發生沖突;當使用ISA PnP卡的時候會使用isapnp。









1.101.6 配置通訊設備

LPI level考試概況

Linux 国际专业协会 (Linux Professional Institute,简称 LPI),为国际性的 Linux 认证的非牟利机构,机构,LPI 致力推广和发展开放源码软件,将 Linux 专业技术和开放源码推广至全世界。LPI 不断寻求技术改良和开发更多在 Linux 上的开放源码资源,透过高质素和广泛认可的 Linux 认证测验专案,让拥有专业 Linux 技能人士提供一个被认证的渠道,并为企业聘请 Linux 专才定下统一的标准。

特點:LPI是全球增长最快的资讯科技证书。LPI 得到全球 Linux 专家承认,俱备的 Linux 专业能力受全球肯定。政府大力推扩应用开放源码产品,LPI 并在 2003 年荣获得香港特别行政区政府 PC BULK TENDER 中的服务供应商所持之认可技术资格。针对不同工作所需的 Linux 技能,有不同程度的考试。

考试:LPI 有 Basic(基础,Level 1)、Advanced(进阶 Level 2)和 Expert(专业 Level 3)三个等级的认证,每个级别均有两份试卷。其中,LPI 已经提供 Level 1 及 Level 2 考试,Level 3 考试 。