
Specialist e20-532考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和Specialist產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實e20-532考試環境最新原題傾心打造。題庫覆蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾題庫對Specialist e20-532(networked storage-san specialist exam for storage admins)考試原題完整覆蓋。e20-532題庫助您輕鬆通過認證考試,一次不過全額退款。

1.Which is an EMC recommended best practice when doing fabric zoning?
A.Single FA zoning
B.Multiple FA zoning
C.Single HBA zoning
D.Multiple HBA zoning

2.When are zoning changes made in EMC VisualSAN 4.0 saved on a DS-16B2 switch?
B.When they are refreshed
C.When they are committed
D.At next 30 minute information refresh

3.HBA has been replaced on a host in a customer environment. After rebooting the host, you notice that the host still sees all storage devices on all paths. What are two [2] reasons this could happen?
A.There is no LUN masking deployed on the storage array
B.Zoning has been disabled on the switch or hardware/port zoning is in effect
C.The WWPN of the host has not changed and hence there is no need for any changes to the SAN
D.The old HBA has the same WWPN as the new one

Specialist e20-532(networked storage-san specialist exam for storage admins)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和Specialist產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實e20-532考題,全部附有正確答案。所有購買KillTest e20-532 題庫的客戶都將得到60天的免費升級服務,保證了客戶的一次通過率。KillTest IT認證題庫網助您一次通過Specialist e20-532考試。


Technology Foundations E20-322考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和TechnologyFoundations產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實E20-322考試環境最新原題傾心打造。Technology Foundations E20-322(Technology Architect Solutions Design)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和Technology Foundations產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實E20-322考題,全部附有正確答案。

歐共體政府規定,從1996年1月1起,所有電氣電子產品必須通過EMC認證,加貼CE標誌後才能在歐共體市場上銷售。此舉在世界上引起廣泛影響,各國政府紛紛采取措施,對電氣電子產品的RMC性能實行強制性管理。國際上比較有影響的,例如歐盟89/336/EEC指令(即EMC指令)、美國聯邦法典CFR 47/FCC Rules等都對電磁兼容認證提出了明確的要求。

題庫覆蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾題庫對Technology Foundations E20-322(Technology Architect Solutions Design)考試原題完整覆蓋。E20-322題庫助您輕鬆通過認證考試,壹次不過全額退款。E20-322考試題庫部分真題如下:
1. A customer is deploying a new Microsoft Exchange environment and has requested assistance with the associated disk design. They are deploying Exchange for 850 users with an  average of 3 I/Os per user. They expect a 60% read and 40% write distribution.The customer would like to know the number of disks required for both RAID 5 and RAID 1/0 DMX configurations with 15k rpm
drives. How many disks are required for each configuration type?
A. RAID 5 28 and RAID 1/0 18
B. RAID 5 31 and RAID 1/0 20
C. RAID 5 38 and RAID 1/0 24
D. RAID 5 43 and RAID 1/0 28
Answer: A

2. A customer plans to create two regional offices that are between 800 and 2,000 km away from their main data center. Each regional office will have a data center that will serve four to six branch offices between 30 and 50 km away.At the close of business each evening the customer will shut down the application and transmit changes to each regional office. The amount of new information sent from the head office each night will vary from 0.5 and 1.5 GB. Later each night, an application at the regional offices will read the data from the head office and generate approximately 50 MB of new rate information appropriate for its branch offices.What is the most cost-effective EMC solution?
A.1. Configure CLARiiON arrays in each office.
  2. Use MirrorView/A and T3 networks for all data transfers.
B.1. Configure Symmetrix arrays in the head office and CLARiiONs in the regional offices.
  2. Use OC-3 networks to transmit the same master copy of data from the head office to the regional offices using Open Replicator.
  3. At the regional offices, create a snap of the data received and transmit the changes to the branch offices using SAN Copy.
C.1. Configure Symmetrix arrays at all the main data centers and CLARiiONs at the regional and branch offices.
  2. Use OC-3 network links between the main data centers.
  3. Use DS-3 between the regional and branch offices.
  4. Use SRDF/DM for data transfer in each case.
D.1. Configure Symmetrix arrays at the head office and regional offices.
  2. Configure CLARiiONs at the branch offices.
  3. Use SRDF/DM and T1 network links between the head office and regional offices.
  4. Use Open Replicator incremental offline push to distribute rate information to the branch offices using T1 network links.

Technology Architect Solutions Design(E20-322 Exam)屬於Technology Foundations認證考試中的壹門,如果需要取得Technology Foundations證書,您可能還需要慘加其他相關考試,詳情可訪問Technology Foundations認證專題,在那裡,妳將看到所有Technology Foundations認證相關考試科目。


EMC術語在電氣幹擾領域裏有很多英文縮寫:EMI = Electro Magnetic Interference電磁幹擾;EMS = Electro Magnetic Susceptibility電磁敏感度即電磁抗幹擾;EMC = Electro Magnetic Compatibility電磁兼容。EMI電磁幹擾是合同詞,包括“電磁”和“幹擾”:幹擾—指設備受到幹擾後性能降低以及對設備產生幹擾的幹擾源兩層意思。第壹層意思如雷電使收音機產生雜音、摩托車在附近行駛後電視畫面出現雪花、拿起電話後聽到無線電聲音等,這些可以簡稱其為BCI、TVI、TEL I,這些縮寫都有相同的“I”(幹擾)註:BC 廣播。電磁—電荷如果靜止,成為靜電。

當不同的電位向壹致移動時,便發生靜電放電,產生電流,電流周圍產生磁場。如果電流的方向和大小持續不斷變化就產生電磁波。Backup & Recovery Implementation Exam EMS是指由於電磁能量造成性能下降的容易程度。為通俗易懂,我們將電子設備比喻為人,將電磁能量比喻為感冒病毒,敏感度就是是否易患感冒。如果不易患感冒,說明免疫力強,也就是英語單詞Immunity,即抗電磁幹擾性強。EMC電磁兼容性,指設備產生的電磁能量既不對其他設備產生幹擾,也不受其他設備對它自身的幹擾。

中國電磁兼容認證委員會是國家質量技術監督局依法授權的代表國家對產品電磁兼容性進行第三方公正評價的機構,由電磁兼容認證管理委員會和電磁兼容認證中心(CEMC)組成。CEMC是電磁兼容認證管理委員會領導下的負責實施電磁兼容認證的第三方認證機構。CEMC經中國產品質量認證機構國家認可委員會(CNACP)認可,具備產品認證機構國家認可資格(國家認可註冊號:A09-2000)。我國電磁兼容認證主要依據強制性電磁兼容國家標準或強制性電磁兼容行業標準,以及GB/T 19002質量管理體系標準。電磁兼容認證的基本模式為型式試驗加工廠質量體系檢查及認證後的監督,包括對工廠質量體系的檢查和對帶有認證標誌的產品的抽樣檢驗。 
