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there are some questions as follows:
1.Which three are e20-090 RUP disciplines? (Choose three.)
A:Program Management
B:Configuration and Change Management
D:Analysis and Design
Correct Answers: B, C, D
2.In planning for iterative development, the E20-593 Project Plan is referred to as a _____.
A: roadmap
B: fine-grained plan
C: detailed plan
D: risk management tool
Correct Answers: A
3.Which is part of sy0-101 the evaluation criteria for successful completion of the Elaboration phase?
A: A final set of requirements is agreed upon.
B: All detailed design documents are reviewed.
C: The architecture is stable.
D: Less than 50% of project budget is expended.
Correct Answers: C
4.What is a benefit of balancing competing stakeholder priorities?
A: achievement of business value
B: reduction in custom development
C: a better understanding of what assets can be leveraged
D: ability to understand and prioritize business and user needs
Correct Answers: B