New Version about Nortel 922-104 Q&A

The 922-104 exam is one of  Nortel Certification  Exam codes by The  Nortel Company. The newest  version about Nortel 922-104 dump   is  offered by KillTest  Braindump  Website( .  Nortel  latest 922-104 dump contains 30 Q&As,  update by KillTest Braindump Website  on 29th .Oct.   The  full name about Nortel 922-104 test  is  Communication Server 1000 Rls.6.0 Upgrades for Engineers. 

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The  objective about  Nortel  922-104 exam  as follows:
(40% of Exam)
Describe the new system features and components for Communication Server 1000 Rls. 6.0.
Describe the existing hardware to be upgraded for Communication Server 1000 Rls. 6.0.

CS 1000 Upgrades
(23% of Exam)
Determine the software and the hardware requirements for a CS 1000 upgrade.
Evaluate the impact of product upgrade on current system/network.

Engineering Upgrades
(20% of Exam)
Engineer an upgrade from an existing MG 1000B to a CS 1000E Rls. 6.0.
Engineer an upgrade from an existing MG 1000B to an MG 1000B Rls. 6.0.
Engineer an upgrade from an existing Option 11C to an CS 1000E Rls. 6.0 SA.
Engineer an upgrade from a CS 1000E Rls. 5.x HA to a CS 1000E Rls. 6.0 HA system.

Redundancy and Reliability
(17% of Exam)
Explain which components of a Communication Server 1000 network can be designed to support network survivability and/or redundancy.