Adobe公司簡介與Flash 9A0-092 考題

美國Adobe公司是世界上第二大桌面軟體公司,產品涉及圖形設計、圖像製作、數碼視頻和網頁製作等領域。其中,以Photoshop為首的圖像處理軟體更是享譽平面設計領域。 使用Adobe產品,人們的創作才華可盡情施展,創意、出版和傳播各種具有豐富視覺效果的作品,其無與倫比的圖形圖像功能,倍受網頁和圖像設計人員、專業出版人員、商務人員和設計愛好者的喜愛。


通過了9A0-092 考題,說明你已經掌握了Flash的精髓,會獲得Adobe公司的相關證書,以下是9A0-092的部份考題。

1. Which keyword is associated with creating subclasses?
Select the best response.
A. implements
B. extends
C. inherits
D. subclass
Answer: B 
2. Which is an advantage of using the Document class as implemented in ActionScript 3?
Select the best response.
A. You no longer have to write any code in any frame on the main timeline.
B. The Document class is the final code executed in any SWF file.
C. Use of the Document class prevents the need for external ActionScript files.
D. The Document class cannot contain any functions, allowing for decentralized storage.
Answer: A 
3. Which class must a Document class extend in ActionScript 3.0?
Select the best response.
A. EventDispatcher
B. Sprite
C. Document
D. A Document class is not required to exte
Answer: B