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It  is our latest version of this exam ,you can choose to take the training or other practice ,but in my opinion the last step before you taking the exam is to read the exam braindumps as many as you can , because it can help you pass the exam well ,it is the fast way for you to get on ,easily and safely .As killtest here , we can offer you the full version real question and answer of the related exams ,so if you need you can contact us or talk with us on our  live support .

000-330: please download free 000-330 in PDF Version.

There are 3 levels in DB2 certification exam. associate(entry); Administrator/Developer(intermediate) and Administrator(Advanced) levels. Currently IBM DB2 9 version is working in IT industry.

At the entry level there is Exam 330 and the intermediate there are two exams. it depends on the candidate which exam he/she want to give. 1st exam is 331, which is on LUW (Linux, Unix and Windows) and z/OS. Advanced level exam 734 is the last exam in IBM DB2 9 certification list.

IBM exams are conducted by Prometric and all the exams will cost USD $89.

IBM 000-315 Test Details

IBM CertificationExam code:000-315
Number of questions: 53
Time allowed in minutes: 90
Required passing score: 58%
Test languages: English

The test consists of six sections containing a total of approximately 53 multiple-choice questions. The percentages after each section title reflect the approximate distribution of the total question set across the sections.

Section 1 – Connectivity and Integration (23%)
Identify the components and standards of Web services (including WSDL, XML, SOAP, HTTPS)
Select appropriate connectivity protocols
Implement a flow using WebSphere MQ nodes
Implement a flow using JMS nodes
Implement a flow using Web Services (including SOAP, HTTP, WS-Security, and WS-Addressing)
Implement a flow using WebSphere Adapters nodes
Implement a flow using File nodes.

Section 2 – Flow Development (30%)
Select appropriate built-in nodes based upon requirements
Implement a flow using transformation nodes (including ESQL, Java, mapping)
Implement a flow using routing nodes
Navigate the message tree based upon a message domain
Understand default errors processing
Develop message flows that publish or subscribe
Explain when it is necessary to implement a user defined extension (including custom plugin node) and the high level components required to create one
Design for message affinity and scalability requirements
Implement a flow using service registry nodes.

Section 3 – Message Modeling (23%)
Describe the different message domains supported by WebSphere Message Broker (including SOAP, XMLNSC, MRM, MIME, JMS) including the limitations of each
Create a message model from business requirements
Create a message model from existing definition (including XSD, Cobol copybook, C header file)
Configure physical properties of data types (including text, binary, XML)
Create a message model utilizing wildcard elements and attributes
Explain the need for and the implementation of multipart MRM messages
Create a WSDL document from a message set

Section 4 – Packaging, Deployment and Migration (11%)
Migrate WebSphere Message Brokers Toolkit projects from prior versions (including message flows, message sets, message maps)
Create a bar file and configure properties (including runtime versioning)
Explain packaging of Java code in a WebSphere Message Broker solution
Deploy a WebSphere Message Broker solution
Use version and source control management

Section 5 – Testing and Debugging (13%)
Test a flow using the facilities of WebSphere Message Brokers Toolkit
Use the interactive debugger
Use a Trace node in a message flow
Enable and interpret user trace information to diagnose problems
Find and analyze the system log

IBM 000-135 Exam Test

This certification 000-135 Test targets intermediate level application developers.

The Application Developer is an individual who uses IBM Rational Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) to develop solutions that transform the user interface or SOA enables green screen applications.  This individual designs, develops, and debugs the applications and then deploys them to a supported runtime environment, such as WebSphere Application Server.  These applications are built using standard Web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, Java, and SOAP, as well as HATS-specific technologies that have evolved over the years. This individual has an in-depth understanding of the HATS tooling, how to customize individual screens of an application, and how to use the advanced features of HATS to improve the flow of the application. This individual also has a familiarity with best practices for implementing a solution using HATS.

To attain the IBM Certified Application Developer – Rational Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) Version 7.1 certification, candidates must pass 1 test.

Recommended Prerequisite Skills

HATS V7.1 Getting Started Guide
HATS V7.1 User-s and Administrator-s Guide
HATS V7.1 Web Programmer-s Guide
HATS V7.1 Rich Client Platform Programmer-s Guide
HATS V7.1 Developing WebFacing Applications Guide