CompTia Certification

CompTIA is the IT industry’s largest developer of vendor-neutral IT certification exams. Our certifications are recognized worldwide as a trusted indicator of qualified and competent professionals in the IT industry. Since establishing our certification program in 1993, more than 1 million people have earned a CompTIA certification.

The CompTIA A+ certification is the industry standard for computer support technicians.

220-601,220-602Exam code are the common exam subject .The   iternational, vendor-neutral certification proves competence in areas such as installation, preventative maintenance, networking, security and troubleshooting. CompTIA A+ certified technicians also have excellent customer service and communication skills to work with clients. KillTest dump website offer the latest CompTIA dump.

CompTIA A+ is part of the certification track for corporations such as Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco and Novell. Other technology companies, including CompuCom and Ricoh, have made CompTIA A+ certification mandatory for their service technicians. More than 700,000 people worldwide have become CompTIA A+ certified since the program’s inception in 1993.


CompTIA Security+認證壹覽
考試科目:  壹科 
目前英文考試的考試代碼 CompTIA Security+ 考試:JK0-010
題量大小:  100 道題
考試形式:  常規考試
考試時間:  90 分鐘
建議資歷: 建議應試者應具有兩年網絡(側重於網絡安全)工作經驗;
建議持有 CompTIA Network+ 認證,但並非必須的
CompTIA Network+ 考試:SY0-101
及格分數線:  該認證考試的評分標準為 100~900 分,及格分數線為 764 分
可選語言:  英文、德文、日文以及韓文

CompTIA Security+ 認證包括以下幾方面:通信安全、基礎設施安全、加密技術、操作安全以及整體安全概念。該安全認證為廠商中立的國際性認證,全球各高等院校和商業培訓中心都設有相關教學。盡管並非是先決條件,但我們建議 CompTIA Security+ 認證的應試者應具有至少兩年從事網絡工作(側重安全方面)的經驗。此外,我們還建議應試者應持有 CompTIA Network+ 認證。由於人為錯誤是造成網絡安全漏洞的首要原因,CompTIA Security+ 認證是由技術共同體認可的,是證明持有者具有信息安全能力的權威信任狀。如 Sun、IBM、Tivoli軟件集團、賽門鐵克、摩托羅拉、日立電子服務公司和 Verisign 等大多數公司都非常看重 CompTIA Security+ 認證,並且建議或要求公司 IT 雇員應具有該認證。

CompTIA Security+認證與您的事業息息相關
CompTIA Security+ 認證是您進入網絡安全領域的敲門磚。各個行業的用人單位都希望能雇傭到能保證其網絡安全的專業人士。您求職履歷上的 CompTIA Security+ 認證證書可以向用人單位證明您在網絡安全方面的能力,從而使其信息安全遠離網絡安全漏洞的威脅。

Comptia RF0-001最新題庫

RFID+ RF0-001考試考古題由“KillTest認證題庫網”資深IT認證講師和RFID+產品專家結合Prometric或VUE的真實考試環境最新原題精心打造。RF0-001考古題助您一次輕鬆通過考試。所售考古題含蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾對RFID+ RF0-001(RFID+ Certification)考試原題完整覆蓋。如果您正在準備RF0-001考試,它將是最佳的學習助手,是您通過考試取得證照的捷徑。


RF0-001 Exam考古題由我們的資深IT認證講師和RFID+產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實RF0-001考試題目,全部附有正確答案。所有購買我們“RF0-001考古題”的客護,都將獲得60天免費昇級的售後服務,確保客護的壹次通過率。

1. A customer has an RFID system to sort packages by their destination in real time. When first installed,
the system worked properly but now most packages are not going to the correct destination. Which of the
following BEST describes the cause of this problem?
A.There are increased losses in the antenna cabling.
B.Interrogator output power has degraded over time.
C.Sensors that control the interrogator were repositioned.
D.The customer is using a bad batch of tags.
Answer: C

2. An animal identification system is used in feedlots and transfer gates are equipped with 135 kHz
interrogators and are of a size to support one animal. When two animals attempt to get through at the
same time, a problem occurs because the:
A.135 kHz systems do not have anticollision
B.135 kHz interrogator system is broken because of the congestion.
C.animals expand the gates to a size where the second animal cannot be read.
D.animals are moving too slowly to be read only once.
Answer: A

3. Pallets in a freezer are tagged with passive ultra high frequency (UHF) tags. The interrogator at the
loading dock has a high misread rate on pallets from the freezer. The MOST likely cause of the high
misread rate is that:
A.there is a higher temperature in the trailer.
B.there is condensation on the tags.
C.the tag and interrogator are at different temperatures.
D.the tag temperature is too low.
Answer: B