C1000-109 IBM Cloud: Cloud Solutions

IBM Cloud Professional Developer v4

C1000-109:IBM Cloud: Cloud Solutions
允許時間:90 分鐘
IBM 認證開發人員 – Cloud v4 技術專家了解對安全雲應用程序的開發和運營至關重要的概念。他們將擁有在 IBM Cloud 上創建和維護應用程序的經驗。他們了解如何通過在雲平台上部署代碼並通過託管服務擴展它們來構建應用程序。這個人可以在幾乎沒有產品文檔、支持或同行的幫助的情況下執行這些任務。

IBM 雲培訓中心學習路徑

• 現代編程語言的能力
• 了解基本的雲計算概念

在考試開發過程中,主題專家 (SME) 定義了個人成功完成其產品或解決方案角色所需的所有任務、知識和經驗。這些由以下目標表示,認證考試中的問題基於這些目標。

1 IBM 雲計算選項
區分各種 IBM Cloud Platform 計算選項
描述功能即服務 (FaaS) 並使用 IBM Cloud Functions 構建無服務器應用程序
描述容器和 Pod
在 IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service 上部署應用程序
在 IBM Cloud 上的 Red Hat OpenShift 上部署應用程序
2 安全和身份
描述 IBM Cloud Identity and Access 的不同概念
3 現代集成
使用 IBM Cloud 中的不同集成服務
描述 API 生命週期
4 數據服務
描述 IBM Cloud Object Storage、SQL 查詢和 CDN
使用 IBM Cloud 數據庫
描述 IBM Db2 Warehouse 和 Db2
5 DevOps 和持續交付
描述 DevOps 的能力
了解 IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery 和 Toolchain 的功能
6 使用 IBM 服務
使用 Watson API 服務進行開發
使用 Watson IoT 進行開發
使用 Mobile Foundation 和推送通知為移動應用程序開發後端
7 管理正在運行的雲應用程序
在 IBM Cloud 中配置自動縮放
為應用程序(Sysdig、LogDNA、Activity Tracker)執行監控和日誌記錄
8 概述 IBM Cloud Paks
描述 IBM Cloud 上可用的 Cloud Paks

IBM 認證專業開發人員 – Cloud v4

IBM Cloud:雲解決方案
PartnerWorld 代碼:C0001904
樣本測試旨在讓考生了解認證考試中問題的內容和格式。 樣本測試的表現不是認證考試表現的指標。 這不應被視為評估工具。
C1000-109 (Sample Test)
1. Which statement is true for IBM Cloud Functions?
A. A Feed is a way to configure an external event source to fire trigger events
B. A Trigger associates an event to a Rule
C. A Rule is a piece of code that performs one specific task
D. A Namespace is a bundling of Feeds and Actions

2. A developer checks the status of the pods and encounters the following output. What is
true about this pod?

A. The pod may eventually launch three containers
B. You can describe the pod but cannot see the logs of pod as it is not ready
C. The pod runs in namespace application-pod
D. The pod has terminated

3. Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud uses which of the following to authorize a cluster to
pull images from a private registry?
A. imagePullSecret
B. KubernetesSecret
C. DockerRegistrySecret
D. ContainerRegistrySecret
Exam C1000-109
IBM Cloud Developer v4
Sample Test

4. Which two of the following are benefits of IBM Cloud AppID?
A. Supports integration with multiple identify providers
B. DDoS attack protection
C. Multi-tenant application isolation
D. Cloud directory capability
E. Delivers RACF authentication

5. A developer has been assigned as a team lead to a project that is running behind
schedule. The developer learns that a significant non-functional Epic in the project
backlog is to create a dashboard to advise operations on anomalous traffic inbound and
outbound to the application’s IBM Cloud Kubernetes cluster. What can the developer
propose to significantly cut down the time needed to deploy an MVP for the Epic?
A. Integrate Network Insights from the IBM Cloud Security Advisor with the cluster
to create the dashboard
B. Use IBM Cognos Dashboard Embedded to collect and display network traffic
information from Kubernetes containers
C. Collect network traffic in the cluster logging facility and use IBM Cloud’s Grafana
service to display the dashboard
D. Use IBM Managed Network Security Services to provide hands-off security
management and monitoring for the project

6. The CISO has requested that all new cloud native applications have a way to
automatically notify his team when vulnerabilities are found. Which IBM Cloud service
could meet this requirement?
A. Security Advisor
B. Vulnerability Advisor
C. SauceLabs
D. App Security

7. An application developer is designing an event-driven application in IBM Cloud allowing
users to upload videos and images that will be picked up by a worker process for
further processing. Which of the following services should be used in the design of the
A. IBM Cloud Video service for storing the videos and images
B. IBM Streams service for processing of messages by the worker process
C. IBM Cloud Object Storage service for storing the videos and images
D. IBM Cloud Storage gateway for processing the videos and images

8. Which of the following is a benefit of using the IBM API Connect Developer Portal?
A. An API provider can create applications and subscribe to catalogs
B. A developer can onboard new users in their profile
C. A cloud manager can version APIs they own and republish the APIs on the
subject catalog in the Developer Portal
D. A cloud manager can gather analytics data about the API, plan, and application

9. Which two behaviors does the IBM Garage Method recommend adopting as part of its
Develop practice?
A. Test Iteratively
B. Accelerate Delivery
C. Monthly Sprints
D. Enterprise Architecture
E. Follow Procedures

10.Developing a Blockchain application on the IBM Blockchain Platform requires
coordination between which two distinct users of the network?
A. The network operator and the application developer
B. The Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authority and your organization’s Certificate
C. Anchors peers and fabric peers
D. The network operator and the fabric operator